Sunday, January 6, 2013

Go Big or Go Home in 2013

It was either Nike or Addidas or some other athletic entity that coined the phrase, "Go Big or Go Home". And the American public has embraced this phrase as a way of living - an encouragement to take risks, be the best we can be, and whatever we do, make it "epic". You can see it all around, we're infatuated with the long-ball (home runs), world's strongest man competitions, world champs of this or that; all in an effort to "Go Big or Go Home".

When I evaluate my life over the past 12 months, it is this phrase (Go Big or Go Home) that has been the source of my paralysis rather than the source of my encouragement. It is a funny kind of irony, and it makes me question my heart's condition, that I've spent more time planning, envisioning, and romanticizing doing something big and "epic" for the multitudes; and as a result, I've done nothing at all.

Evaluating 2012, I've had more personal growth and unintentional influence in the shadows of the big stage rather than under the stadium lights. Regarding personal growth, it has been through the fellowship of a few guys and a 5:30am coffee at Starbucks that has brought the most encouragement, challenge, and conviction. Vocationally, it has been under the mentoring of God-sent individuals that I was even able to tread water, especially this fall. When I consider my influence, it has been within the four walls of my tiny office, or sitting down for a humble 1-on-1 breakfast with one or two guys that God has decided to be the most gracious in deciding to move.

Also, the men I consider having the biggest impact in my community are quiet and humble individuals that are discipling others (including their families), sacrificing their time and sometimes their money, all for the purpose of spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth.

**Nevertheless, the point I'm trying to make is that sometimes when I'm moved (through scripture, challenge, conviction, or encouragement) I won't do so unless I'm going big. I made decisions to not play unless the stakes are high and I didn't volunteer unless I felt the cause was great. This is a problem.

So for 2013, instead of going "Big", I've decided to "Go Home". What I mean by that is this:

  1. I will be intentional about my time with my family. I don't have to take them to Disney World or dissect the prophesies in Isaiah, I need to put my cell phone down, pay attention and play with them.
  2. I will be intentional about my relationships. I don't need to speak in front of multitudes, I don't need to worry about making my name known - I need to really invest in a few and let God work.
  3. I will be intentional about serving others. I don't need to personally lead a team to do a home makeover, or raise money to buy someone a car - I need to see the opportunities in front of me and act.

So what are your intentions for 2013? Does it involve making yourself great, does it involve "Going Big"? Whatever your plans, I encourage you to consider this New Year's analogy:
A sparkler burning in the pitch black of the night is much brighter than a firework finale in the middle of a city.