Friday, June 1, 2012

Education and the Great Commission (Part 2)

Recently a buddy of mine gave me a hard time about my blog containing more thoughts and writing of others vs. my own actual writing. Today is no different, but before you read more of someone else's words, MY response to him is worth mentioning, "Why spend time toiling over something original when I could bring to surface the superior writings of lesser known individuals?"

That being said, on Sunday, May 20th I posted "Education and the Great Commission (Part 1)" Earlier this year when I first read that passage from Radical by David Platt, I emailed it to some family members and close friends, below is one of their responses:
"I believe this is the future of missions. People will go to other countries, not just as a missionary, but with a particular skill set. They won't just go to share the word, but will also illustrate the love of Christ by working alongside the people, by using their skill set to help others in a sacrificial way. The expense of supporting missionaries in foreign countries has gone up dramatically in the last few years and so the tent making approach is going to become more necessary. If you think about it, would people be more apt to listen to you if you were working side by side with them in their daily lives, or if you were just over there doing whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted and just came up to them and wanted to talk? And by working in a job, you are able to help support yourself. The (name of missionary family) are doing just that in (country that is largely unreached). Future missionaries are going to have to ask themselves: Am I willing to do whatever it takes (to become all things to all people) for the sake of the gospel or am I willing only to share the gospel if it is easy and fun?"

Jesus said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

What do you think Jesus meant when he said that?

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